6 Items to store in you Canoe Waterproof bag while snorkeling

Canoe waterproof bags are work of miracle. The bags are waterproof and could also be sand proof provided that you fold it tightly in a correct manner. Pretty good investment if you ask me. but why invest for such bags?

You could always store your

1. phone

We are all from a generation that bring along phone to any occasion. Including to snorkeling, kayaking or to scuba diving. We put our electrical devices on the boat hoping that it will not get wet but without any protection it will suffers with at least some splash of water to it. I strongly suggest that travelers bring along waterproof canoe to store your phone so that you could record and store the exciting memories without it getting wet.

2. vape or electric cigarrete

I would not suggest that you bring your cigarette along to such activities but please do carry along your electric cigarette or vape if you need that puff of nicotine in your system after snorkeling or scuba diving.  Electric cigarette or vape does not carry any waste therefore it is environmental friendly plus gives you more relaxation feels during kayaking (to those who need it). Cigarette however will have to be thrown away after smoking. It is not a good choice because you can't throw it anywhere when you in the middle of the ocean.  

Gentle reminder, please do not throw any waste such as plastic rings into the ocean. Any waste will retard the growth of coral and fish population. It will be unfortunate to have from colorful coral and ocean bed to barren ocean bed after pollution. Be a responsible tourist and travelers.

3. sunblock

Canoe waterproof bag is one of the best medium to store you sunblock. Doesn't matter whether you sunblock is in plastic tube or in aluminum can. Canoe waterproof bags can store many items according to it sizes. Sunblock is one of the most important item that you should always carry it with you. Lacking of sunblock could cause irritation due to the scorching sun. I always apply sufficient sunblock to my skin and bring along on the boat or on the kayak so that I could reapply after swimming. 

I don't mind having darker skin but I do mind if I have irritation. The irritation could make my experience on the island very uncomfortable.

4. sunglasses / glasses

I'm a person that needs reading aid all the time. I mean glasses. I need my glasses all the time and it is easier to store the glasses in the waterproof bag. Snorkeling gear does not allow glasses user like me to swim with my glasses on therefore store it in a casing and in the waterproof bags definitely an added bonus. 

5. caps

I always bring along my cap with me. Just to help me reduce the effect of the hot sun on my head. However before snorkeling I have to take it off and store it somewhere where it is not wet. Small boat again have tendency to get wet especially when 5 - 10 people board in after snorkeling. It definitely a hustle to clean it off or washing it off after it get wet with sea water. Cloth especially easily worn out after several dip in saline water. It doesn't have to be a cap, any type of cloth actually could bear the same consequences. Expensive hats / caps will definitely last longer if you store it in waterproof bags.

6. medicines if necessary

Medicine is necessary. No matter what you say. Always have a pack of panadol (paracetamol) or tablets / pills that could help you with sea sickness. The swaying motion of the boat could promote sea sickness. Unless you on a yacht or big boat. These kind of boats do not have or have minimal swaying effect that could 

Click here to shop canoe waterproof bags at dickssportinggoods.com. 

Any question? I'm open up for discussion.
Zaza Zahidah

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